When I was trying to decide what to blog about today, I asked my friend Kandice for a topic. She suggested I talk about my pets. That is a good Idea, but very surprising coming from her. She isn't a big animal fan. Although, her cute daughter has wanted a pet FOREVER but she is really allergic so they have avoided it for as long as possible. Until Kandice's in-laws got involved. They researched and studied and found a breed of dog that can stay outside, doesn't shed, and is good with kids. I can't remember the breed, but they did get it. Kandice was a little mad at first, but it's funny because she has taken quite a liking to the dog! It's name is Dexter and they all just love it. Its kinda funny.
Well, over the years I have decided that I am definately a CAT person, not a dog person. I like other people's dogs. Well, not really. I just don't love them. I believe that all animals are God's creatures and I love them, but I just don't want one. I am a TERRIBLE dog owner. Don't get me wrong, I am nice and all, but like, they pee and stuff. They are too hard to train and I am not smart enough to figure it all out. We got a dog when Quayd was about 18 months old, and we really loved her. Her name was Miffy. Quayd called her Mippy. She was so dumb, but so sweet and loving. She was a pretty good dog. But she kindof got ran over. By us. It was awful. It was on Mother's Day a few years ago and we were just leaving for Church, I think. Well she was outside, not chained up (I know, we are stupid) and she came running to follow us. I could see her on my side. I told Brett to slow down, and he said, she will stop. She usually did. But then..... THUD. We pulled over, turned around, and there she was, in the middle of the road. Not Alive. (sorry, I couldn't say the "D" word.) Quayd says, "What Mippy doing?" Anyway, we burried her, and felt like total idiots. It sucked. For the longest time, Quayd (he was 2 1/2 then) would say, "We had a dog. Mippy. But my dad runned her ober." Isn't that just a terrible story?
We have had cat(s), though, through our entire marriage. And I have had at least one since I was a little girl. My cat I had since about 4th grade was a big beautiful grey persian. His name was Kitty. Then in high school I got another cat, a siamese manx and her name was also Kitty. So the persian became Big Kitty. A few months later... Kitty became Mama Kitty. So I had Mama Kitty and Big Kitty. Then she had babies. So we had Big Kitty, Mama Kitty, Black and White Kitty, Orange Kitty, and Mulit-colored Kitty. And another aby kitty that kinda had some problems. They all had no tails but this one had a deformed back end. It couldn't control its poop either. So my mom and I made little diapers and stuff. But we eventually had to put it down. It was so sad. We went into the vet BAWLING! Anyway... So after I got married, we got a kitten. Its name was (no joke) Mmmmmmmmmmmmmbebbbbessss. We would say it all wierd and she would come running. We lived in an apartment and we weren't supposed to have pets. We got caught and the landlord to us we had to get rid of her. We were devastated, so we bought a house. Can you believe that? We are so dumb. She eventually got hurt or in a fight or something and we took her to the vet. They put her on antibiotics and she had a weird allergic reaction and her heart stopped. And we had another cat at the time that I couldnt resist at Wal-mart. His name was Ray-do. Long story. Anyway, during the time Mmmmmmmmmmmmmbebbbbessss was at the vet, Ray-do fell down our stairs and was paralized. They tried several things to help him, but he never regained feeling in his back legs. So two days after Mmmmmmmmmmmmmbebbbbessss, we had to put Ray-do down. It was awful. We also had two lab mut dogs, Cyprus and Jasper. When we moved up by Brett's mom and dad's, they got into the neighbors chicken coops. Then they wouldn't stay out of them and were killing lots of chickens. So we had to give them away. A few months after the cat fiasco, we adopted Skeet from the animal shelter. We still have him today. He is our baby. He and Quayd love each other so much. Skeet sleeps on Brett and I all night and sometimes he sleeps with Quayd. When i found out I was pregnant, it was like Skeet knew exactly what was going on. He was in the Nursery all the time. He would hop up in the crib, snoop in the drawers and closet and if people came to see the nursery, he was right there in the middle of it. After we had Quayd, it was just as bad. But he would hop up in the crib and sleep with Quayd. He is such a good cat. We love him just like he is one of our kids. We also have Orange. We have had him about 2 years. He is so dumb! But we love him too. He is Quayd's cat. Quayd packs him all over and just smothers him to death, but Orange doesn't care. We got a puppy about a year ago, but it just didn't work out, so my mom has him now. (Sorry about that, Mom.) So there. That is our animal story. We have great adventures, don't ya think?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
2 months ago
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