Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
2 months ago
Wow what a cute idea, one of my first memories of you is the Scrapbooking party at Michele's I was fairly new in the ward and didn't know to many people, You were super friendly, and so cute. I remember thinking wow this chick has alot of creative talent. I remember thinking that you were realy outgoing and I realy admiered that in you. I'm glad I got to know you tons better, and I'm so glad that I have such a creative friend to help me out when I need it. Love Ya!!!
I remember going to your house when Quayd was born, and then hearing that you were back in the hospital that same night. I felt so bad that I hadn't realized something was wrong, And I just felt so bad for you to have to be in the hospital with your brand new baby. I also remember last Summer when you let Derek sleep over with Quayd and then you took them to the high school for the mini track meet. That meant so much to Derek. He thought to was great. You are just so awesome and you are always doing things for people. You also always make me laugh. I love reading your blog.
Where to even begin?
Geesh we have a ton of good memories don't we?
#1- This is lame, but I remember when we first moved into this house and I was sooooo depressed, I could hardly get out of bed, you would text me everyday and check on me and you were always so worrid about me, and made sure I knew you cared.
#2- All of our Young Women time together. We had so much fun in there together. Camp, activity's, lesson's.... what fun
#3- I will never forget when you came to St George with me and my sister's last summer. We had so much fun, my sister's just thought you were so darn funny, they still talk about you and how you crack them up.
#4- and the last one is going to have to be the "GOOD CLEAN" we had for part of my going away celebration.... It will always be my favorite memory.
Love you mean it
I think my favorite memory was when the guys went to the father-son campout and we got to go to dinner and hang out. It was so fun to just relax!
I loved when I found out you were as big a freak about friends as I was! And just so you know....when you use friend"isms"...I totally get it and lol. I also remember my first time at bunco....I miss having you there! Who else am I going to "yell" at!
I remember when my little niece, Raeven, drew a picture of you for Brittney and I so we would knew who substituted her class at school.
ORCA!!! painting your scrapbook room to phantom of the opera, you having a sleepover at my house after a late night scrapbook , putting up some certain cards on your wall for little k to see LOL I could go on and on , Thanks for your friendship it means alot!
So incase you haven't checked I have a combo memory of you and Janice over on her blog, if you would like to check it out. But I had to come over here and leave you your very own special memory!
I tried and tried to think of a funny thing you said that had me laughing but all I can remember is you saying something and then I'm laughing and I can remember anything from laughing so hard. When ever I think of you I think of how much fun you are.
Okay now for the real memory, when we were at Youth Confrence and we were swimming and you put your swimming suit up your butt and did a flip so this nice moon popped up and visited us, I was dying laughing. I couldn't believe you did it, then we had so much fun making up our own sychronized swimming.....ahhh good times.
Oh one more memory you were the first one to welcome us to this Ward I was so greatful I knew someone.
We do so much together that it is hard to come up with just one. We always have so much fun and laugh all the time. I would have to say my favorite "recent" memory would be our trip to the Panic at the Disco concert. Going on our "shopping trip" and "lifting" the specialty kit from Grand America. Good Times, Good Times!!!
K I have one about mamories and memories. So I just have to put it.
One night at bunco, (Andru was like 2 months old) You were looking at me kinda funny then finally you said "I am sorry but I just have to ask Have you always had those?" Janice busted up laughing. And I turned bright red. It was pretty funny. I had never had someone ask me that.
Which one do I chose?! There are several words/phrases that come to mind...Loquacious (9th grade graduation speech we gave together), Aspellananaeata (a boy asked if my real name was Aspen and you somehow on the spot made up that name as my real name and I've never been able to forget it), "I am a God!" (what you said the first time we were driving down the road and you shifted w/out the clutch), "Wanna Rassel?" or "My butt itches...wanna earn a buck?" (you used to say both of those quite frequently) or what about the night at Karstans when we stole the guys clothes while in the hot tub? Ahh...memories! Oh, I just thought of another one. When we were getting ready for 9th grade grad you were waxing your eyebrows and got the wax in your eyebrow and were freaking out about it taking the whole brow off and I swore at that moment I would never wax my eyebrows...and I never have...thanks to you!
I remember when I was on my mission and Talia sent me Flat Stanley. I took pictures with him everywhere. I guess you and Brett were getting pretty jealous because a couple of weeks later I received Plump Brett and Juicy Mandy. I did have good times with them but they got a little heavy so I could only carry them for a couple of weeks.
I'll never forget how awesome it was to be on student council with you in Middle School--that's when we first became friends.
And you made working at Wal-Mart sooooo much fun! I knew if I could get a register close to you my shift would go by fast...
Well, this goes WAY back... but I remember making the Yearbook Homecoming float at your house one evening during Homecoming week. You are Brett disappeared inside for what seemed like forever! We all joked the you were in there 'making out'. I guess we were right! Something was up!
I have seriously blocked every memory of you from my mind because if I were to recall them my bladder would burst into a million pieces!
Out of all the memories I have this is the one I remember the best and it is so lame. I remember the Beehive class walking to your house one sunday morning and knocking on your door. When you answered it you were covered in a blanket. I don't remember why you couldn't come but I remember walking back to church empty handed. I also remember crossong that stream to get to your house and we used to play with Barry Ewell. I remember the craziness that was yearbook! Honestly, I want more memories with you. I don't have near enough!
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