Now, don't get me wrong here.... And don't think I am being a scrooge..... But after much thought, consideration, stress, and a list of pros and cons, I have decided NOT to do the neighbor gift thing this year. Every year I work so hard making treats, trying so hard to get them just perfect, then I spend even more time delivering to all of my wonderful neighbors. It gets to be overwhelming, stressful, time consuming and expensive. I had an epiphany tonight while I was cleaning my house. I realized that my house was a mess, I have been traveling and haven't even unpacked yet, I haven't had a minute to make a nice home cooked meal for just the three of us, let alone sit down at the same time and eat it, and my laundry is stacked to the celing, as well as my dishes. I was, however, excited to think that most of my Christmas shopping is done this year and my Christmas cards will be dropped in the mail on Monday. Then panic took over me as I realized that I hadn't decided on a neighbor gift..... ERRRRRRR.... So that is when it hit me. I really need to eliminate stress in my life, and that is one place I feel like I can do it. My main focus this year is my beautiful 6 year old little boy that is so excited for Christmas he can hardly stand it. He is excited to see Santa and even more excited to see what he is going to leave for him this year. I also want to focus on Christ and the sacrifice he made for us, as well as the sacrifice by Mary and Joseph. No matter what is happening in my life, I know the REAL reason for Christmas. And I will never forget that. So as I sat in my living room tonight thinking of all of these things..... I realized; I don't need to do a neighbor gift to have a great Christmas or to remind me that I have wonderful neighbors and friends who I love. I know who loves me and I know who my true friends are. So there. I don't need a treat to tell me that! ;)
Thank you for hearing my rant.
So to all of my friends, scratch me off your neighbor gift list and when you see us, tell us "Merry Christmas!" That is good enough for me and my family. We love you!!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
2 months ago
hey are we on the same brain link or what that is what my lesson is on tomorrow also. Don't stress the little things and focus on putting christ back into christmas. We are kindred spirits lol I probly spelled that wrong to but you know me i'm not much of a speller or name knower or...........
I applaude you! That is so smart. I have a friend that in her ward they decided that instead of doing friend and neighbor gifts the ones that wanted just donated the money they would have spent to the bishop and it is used to help someone in the ward that needs it. Makes sense to me. I may just take a page from your book.
Amen sista~ I always stress about that one too.... I am kind of grateful for the fact that I am in a new State which means I am kind of off the hook this year. I agree we need to focus our time on our kids and teaching them the true meaning of Christmas. You Rock!
Good idea Mandy! I woke up this morning in a panic about all the neighbor-friend gifts...then I read your blog!! Thanks! We are going to simplify as well. The true meaning of Christmas is all that matters!!
Wow, Debra and I were just brainstorming ideas for our neighbors and friends but that doesn't mean you will be crossed off. We give them for the fun of it, not to recieve something back! You are a wonderful person and I love your guts!
besides the overwhelming feeling that we are getting screwed by not getting a gift from you this year, i will never scratch you and your fam off our list. you may only get the plain or salty popcorn ball that may or may not be seasonally colored, but you will get one just the same.
oh yeah by the way, this is brian, lindsay had nothing to do with my rant......
I say more power to ya'. It's too easy to let Christmas become a stressful event. I'm lucky if I get Christmas cards sent! Merry Christmas!
come back to blogging. I know you have to have cleaned your poors or ears or something funny. miss your posts
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