Now let me rewind a bit...... A few weeks ago, ReAnn brought a couple of the kitties to Danette's because one of her friends wanted one. Quayd saw them and BEGGED us to let him have one. He hasn't forgotten and begs us all the time for one. We kept saying no.
Ok, fast forward to last Friday. Danette and Brandon were unloading the corn stalks, and "SURPRISE!" There is the kitty. Brandon was, of course, annoyed. Quayd walked over right then and saw it. He said, "Danette! I didn't know you got one of the kitties!" and Brandon jumped in, "No. It's not Danette's. ReAnn sent it for you. It is your Birthday present." Everyone had a good laugh, but Quayd took it serious. He was SO touched that ReAnn would give him a kitty for his Birthday. He loves ReAnn, by the way. So, he came home with it, and we didn't have the heart to make him give it back. Danette and Brayden were a little sad, I think because they really wanted the cat. Brandon, however, was not on board. Sooooo, now we are the proud owners of three cats.
Brett wanted to be really mad about it all, but look what I caught them doing a few days ago....
Orange loves the baby too. They are together all of the time. Its pretty sweet. Look how cute they were all cuddled up the other day. They love this Lightning McQueen blanket and my pink neck pillow.
OH, I love itty bitty. Our cat walked back to our old house 2 miles and we found him 6 weeks later. then after being home for a month left again. that was March 28th and no sign since. Kevin is not a fan of kitties so we dont get another one. boo hooo.
Oh see Quayd is not an only child he has his kitty's,...wink wink... as per our conversation earlier.
I think that husbands really like kittys but they don't like to let anyone know it, does it hurt their manhood ya think?? So I love the new page, can you rub some of that craftyness off on me? Joey loves our kitty but only admits it to certain ya mandy
Those pictures just kill me. I love that itty bitty kitty too. Tell Quayd I am a tiny (really tiny) bit jealous. ;)
Oh Itty Bitty is so cute!
I am so not a cat person... that being said, I totally would have been sucker, too!! Itty bitty kitty is so cute!!
Love the kitty and the blog. You have done a great job.--Jen Atwood
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