I realize that nobody else cares about my cats, and I also realize haw lame I sound for even mentioning them on my blog. Yah... I get it. But I have to tell this story and post these pictures. It was so funny.
So the other night, I was in my living room and heard this huge ruckus coming from my kitchen. I went in there and saw this.

Yes, it is Itty Bitty on top of my fridge. She was FREAKING out trying to catch something. (You can sorta see it on the fan in this picture. It was really dark and HUGE!) I figured it was just a little moth or something. I look towards my ceiling fan and see this.

So I decided to help Itty Bitty out, because who really wants that monstrous of a moth in their kitchen. NOT ME! So I lifted her up to the fan in hopes she would just catch it. Well she totally went ballistic! She lunged out of my hands and caught the fan (Don't worry, it was off) and caught her claw on one of the blades. It swung her around and then she was scared because she was about to fall. So she was trying to get back to me, meanwhile I was trying to adjust my stool so I could get to her. I finally caught her, and as she was reaching for the moth again, the moth flew into my armpit!! It went in my shirt and I started freaking out, but I had to be careful because I didn't want to drop Itty Bitty.I was jumping around on the stool, holding Itty and not wanting to put my arm down for fear the moth would get that powder stuff on me or bite me or something.

The moth flew out of my pit and Itty caught its wing with her claw, scratching my underarm as she got it. I totally had the heebie jeebies. Quayd was the photographer, by the way and he was laughing so hard that he nearly peed his pants. When the moth was in my armpit violating me, Quayd was like, "Mom, you have to stay calm. The more you freak out, the more it wants to hurt you." Seriously, what 6 year old has to tell his mom that? Just Quayd! So anyway, once Itty had the moth, I sat her down and she had so much fun chasing it around. Orange had to get in on the action too, but Itty Bitty is the one who finally finished it off. And by "finished," I really mean FINISHED. She ate it whole. Sick, huh.

ha ha ha! Too FUNNY!!!
i can just picture it all now that is to funny
Oh I would have paid to see that!!! You kitties don't like me. I am the scary lady that turns on the loud vacuum...lol
You are the crazy cat lady ha ha! Talk about bite the hand that feeds you or should I say scratch the pit that feeds you!
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