1. Where did you meet your husband? I had known who he was for a long time, but we actually met and got to know each other in High School.
2.How long did you date before you got married? 2 years. Probably would have been less, but we were young and I had to wait for him to graduate!
3. How long have you been married? a little over 10 years
4. What does he do that surprises you? He is so silly. He pulls stupid faces all of the time and he can ALWAYS make me laugh.
5. What is your favorite feature of his? His beautiful eyes. Sometimes they are dark blue and sometimes they are super bright. I love them.
6. What is his best quality? He always stands up for me and he hates it when people make me feel bad. He is always on my side. He doesn't care if people like him or not but he knows that I care if they like me, so he always makes sure to either hold his tongue or say what he feels. That may not makes sense to you, but he will know what I mean.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? He calls me baby doll all of the time. He always has and I love it.
8. What is his favorite food? Nothing. He is so picky!!!! He loves orange rolls. and candy. That is about it.
9. What is his favorite sport? Football and Hockey
10. When and where did you first kiss? At my house, on my couch. I was hoping he would but I wasn't sure if he really liked me or not. We were sitting really close, and he started inching in. I was hoping he would make the first move so I didn't look desperate. He did, and I was so excited! He is such a good kisser too. I have never forgotten it. It was so silly because we were in High School and it was so "scandalous," but I didn't care. I loved him! And I loved his kisses!!!
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Well, duh. (wink, wink) We also love to travel, go camping, watch movies, lay in bed and snuggle, and hang out with Quayd.
12. Do you have any children? Yes, one and he is the center of our universe.
13. Does he have any hidden talents? Yes. He says all of the time that he has no talent. That is so not true. He has lots. One of his best though, is that he is SO GOOD at reading people. Like, he is dead on EVERY TIME!! I have had to endure the "I told you so" dance so many times, its embarrassing.
14. How old is he? 28
15. Who said I love you first? I don't really remember, but probably me. That sounds like a "me" thing.
16. What is his favorite music? Bluegrass, Country and Hairbands. Ewwwwwww..... Everything that I hate.
17. What do you admire most about him? He could not care any less about what people think about him. Its so cool because he never changes who he is. And you always know where you stand with him. I LOVE that about him!
18. What is his favorite color? Blue and Orange (Go Broncos!)
19. Will he read this? Yes. And I hope he likes it. And I would sure love it if he left me a comment!!!!
20. Who will I tag? Tara, Cara and who ever else wants to play.
ahhhh yours was way better your good at the mushy hubby love thing. Better then me
I totally have blogging sticky fingers... I am stealing this! Thanks
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