I have nasty toes. They are so ugly and I get ingrown toenails all of the time. Right after Quayd was born, I had a pretty wicked one on my Left big toe and finally went to the podiatrist to have it fixed. They numbed it all up and fixed it. It has been great. I have not had any other problems with it. I still get them on my right toe though. When Janice was in town for Thanksgiving and She, Kandice and I went for pedicures, they cut my toenail pretty poorly and I knew at that moment it was gonna get ingrown. It started hurting within a few days. It has gotten worse and worse. Finally, last week, I knew I couldn't take it anymore. I called Dr. Jones and got an appointment. It was set for last Friday at 11:45 am. When I got there, the receptionist told me it was set for 10:45 am. She says I made the mistake, I say she did, but WHATEVER. We rescheduled for today. Since I had this done before, I knew exactly what to expect. I wasn't even nervous. It has been hurting for so long that I just wanted to get it fixed.
Excuse my ugly chipped polish, but here are the before pictures.

Brett and Quayd came to my appointment. It went perfectly. It has been about 5 1/2 hours and the numbness has worn off, but it still feels better than it did before. Poor Quayd. Brett said he about threw up when Dr. Jones stuck the needle in my toe. They had sprayed some numbing stuff on it, so I hardly even felt it. By the way, this is your warning.... the following pictures are pretty gross, but VERY COOL. What else would you expect from me!!! After he made sure everything was nice and numb, he just started clipping away. I didn't watch that part because I was afraid I would twitch when I saw it and I didn't want to mess it up. Brett tried to watch it, but he doesn't deal well with that stuff. ;) This was Dr. Jones taking the big nasty piece of toenail out of my toe.

Here is the piece. Its hard to see, but it was all jagged and sharp. That is what was hurting so badly.

Ok, now this is the gross one. Because I get these so often, he trimmed my toenail down and basically killed that part of my nail so it won't grow back. He had to put chemical in there and, I don't know why, but he had to poke this big stick in there.

I watched all of that part. I couldn't feel a thing, so it was no big deal. When it was all over, he bandaged it all up. I think he found the brightest, most obnoxious bandage EVER!!

Look, there is blood seeping out. YUMMY! I am so glad to have this all over with. It has been hurting so bad for so long. It hurts quite a bit tonight, but I know it will all be over soon. It was totally worth it!!!
Those DO hurt! I've only had one ingrown toenail (in high school) but that was enough for me. It was so painful. And by the way, because of the all the nerves in the end of your fingers and toes, that is one of the most painful places to get a shot. I can't believe you didn't feel it because when I got the numbing shot it was excruciating! The 2nd Most Terrible shot I've ever received. (The first was in a location best not disclosed. YEAH. OUCH!)
Oh Ouch. So sorry Mandy. I had Dr. Jones fix an ingrown toenail for me too. Ouch is all I can say. Glad ou are feeling better.
That is AWESOME! I love Dr, Jones. Dave shot a hole in his foot!(long story) but in the ER Dr. Jones let me assist him in fixing it! It was great! I love that sort of stuff! I should have been a nurse!haha Glad that it is feeling a little better:)
Thank you for the totally gruesome pictures! You always deliver!!!
So sorry for your pain! I hate ingrown nails! Hey I tagged you, when you're feeling up to it go to my blog for details(ha,ha)
I am a hairdresser so I know how to do my own pedicures but once I did go to see if I was missing out on anything, Wasnt, so now i just go have a massage. I have seen so many people get those infected toes from going to get pedi's Please dont go anymore, or just go to have them painted not trimmed. It took me a while to actually click on here. I knew what I was in for and was not disappointed. hehe BUT way grose. Great pics once I got over it. hehe
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