My title sounds like some kind of a superhero cartoon episode! After you hear all about this... you will agree with me that my little shark boy IS a superhero.
Let me explain "shark boy." Remember a few weeks ago when I told you about Quayd's freaky teeth? I got a few comments telling me that it is not all that uncommon. I googled it and found some information. Some people call it "shark teeth" when that happens. Ever since I read that, we have been calling Quayd "Shark boy." I took him to the Dentist a couple of weeks ago, but since Quayd is so scared of the dentist, and he had a good amount of work to be done, they referred us to a specialist. Our Dentist was able to send all of the x-rays and stuff to the specialist, so we only had to see him once. That was so great to not have to travel out of town twice. Our appointment was Tuesday morning at 7:00 am. We went out on Monday and stayed, WHERE ELSE??? Holiday Inn Express. This is pretty funny... When i was checking in at the hotel, I asked if they had any King beds available. Quayd and I LOVE to sleep together in a nice big bed. The cute girl upgraded us to a King Suite. When we got to our room, Quayd looks around and noticed a nice big jetted tub. He immediately stripped down and hopped in the tub! Then he said, "That girl really hooked us up!" He had a nice big bubble bath going, then he realized that he could see the tv from the tub, so he had me turn on Sponge Bob. He sat in there watching cartoons until his water got cold.
Anyway, we made it to the Dentist bright and early. This guy was SO amazing, by the way. We loved him!!! The anesthesiologist was great to. Because Quayd is so scared, we decided to knock him out and get all of the work done. It only took about 45 minutes for the actual surgery. They took him to recovery and I was able to go sit with him. I HATED seeing him all knocked out. He was hooked up to monitors that kept beeping and stuff. Everything was ok, but it was still stressing me out. They told me it would be another 30-45 minutes before ho would wake up. They had the recovery room loaded with snacks and drinks for mom! I was too nervous to eat, but it was nice to have an ice cold bottle of water! I felt like I couldn't leave his side. I really hated that part. I was able to take my camera to recovery. (They wouldn't let me sneak into surgery, so sorry. No gross pictures on this post.) Here he is in recovery, before he woke up.
Sad, huh. They had to extract a molar. They packed it with gauze and tied floss to it so he wouldn't swallow it. As soon as he woke up, they took it out. Actually, he spit it out! It was a sick tooth. It has been for a long time. He has had a root canal and a few fillings, but they finally decided it couldn't be saved. The new tooth won't come in for awhile, so they had to put in a spacer. He also had to get some "silver teeth." While they were in there, they pulled the baby teeth in the front. So he had 3 extractions.
The big one was so nasty. You can kind of see all of the decay. He was so funny in recovery. He was saying such funny things! he is such a goof ball, even when he is drugged up! Before he started to wake up, they told me to talk to him and try to get him talking to me. He hadn't really responded much. I told him that I was there and that I had Bear Blank. I rubbed his face with Bear Blank and he smiled. It was so cute! And funny. He still loves his Bear Blank! He woke up a few minutes later. Shark boy was excited to leave his teeth under his pillow. He was worried that she wouldn't find them all though, so he put the in a ziplock baggie. The tooth fairy was excited!!! This was her first visit to our home. And boy, did she deliver!!! He got one 2 dollar bill and one gold dollar for each tooth. Nine dollars total. He was so excited! When he woke up, he looked under his pillow, but didn't find anything. He thought she must have forgotten. I asked if the teeth were still there but he said they weren't. I told him to look really good. Well, the money had fallen behind his bed. He found it and was so excited. Later, he was telling Brett how he couldn't find the money. Then he told him, "I thought 'What a rip off!' She took the teeth but didn't leave a payment!"
The little gap in the front is so cute! Of course, there are already teeth there to replace them, but they aren't up where they are supposed to be. Just since yesterday though, they have moved WAY forward. He just looks so cute and big! Here is a picture of when we first noticed the teeth coming to the surface. (See the rotten one at the top left? That is the one they pulled.) Here they are a few weeks later. And here he is being annoyed with his mom for taking so many pictures! Here are the shark teeth the night before surgery. Here is the after picture. I feel so bad that he has had so much trouble with his teeth already. I promise we brush twice a day!!! And do fluoride!! I have been so proud of him. He has been so tough and brave. He has not really even complained about pain or anything. He is such a good boy. Cute little shark boy.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
Cute! maybe I will have to take Milli out to that dentist. She needs stuff done but after her last visit, I don't know if I could get her to go back to the dentist here.
I feel your pain sister! I had no idea how common these "shark teeth" are. Sadie has AWFUL teeth and had to get four crowns on her four top front teeth. I had delivered Brynlie only one week earlier so I was still really emotional and seeing my poor little Sadie lying there looking so lifeless was horrible. She would not wake up either. They finally got out an otter pop and started rubbing it on her face and neck. I too was able to only take pictures of her as she was waking up, not the actual procedure. :)
OMG.... Qauyd wins hans down. not that it was a contest, but morgan was only lightly sedated. They did have to strap her to a papoose (sp) board, how sad. What a little trooper. Did his mouth hurt for a day or so after? That is alot to have done at one time. Kiss him for me. ;)
Tell him Brinklee is so proud of him. Mckenzie had to have 4 Fillings and we only partially sedated her. Big mistake. She was crazy and even threw up. It is so hard for mommy. Next time we will put her all the way out. Hopefully there won't be a next time!!!!! Who did you take him too?
He is so darn cute. My kids were SO amazed with his teeth..they have talked about it still. I'm glad all went well, even though you had to see him in a sad state all put out...I hate seeing my kids like that too.
that is crazy that no one here will pull them my nephew has to go out to i mean how hard is it to pull baby teeth that need to come out anyway. i can see if they panik but no one here will do it for brax
I remember when Riley ahd to go to the pediatric denist. It was harde on me than it was on him. They put this helmet on hi that had videos in it and then i pumped in the gas. He was so funny when the gas hit him that te helme almos tipped off his head! Quayd was so brave, and I bet you are glad that this is over.
what a trooper he is.
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