Remember the story the other day about Quayd's freak out? Well, I have been going through some pictures lately and found another freak out. Well, two actually. (he he he)
#1. This is when we were trying to teach Quayd how to ride a bike without training wheels. He was NOT happy with us that day. This happened the summer before last. We had taken the training wheels off and lost one. Oops. He did not want to ride with no training wheels, so he showed us by not riding his bike for the rest of the summer.
Thank goodness the Easter Bunny brought him a new bike last year with training wheels, and he learned how to ride early last summer.
Meltdown #2 is actually kind of a sad story. Brett, Quayd and I went on vacation to South Dakota in the summer of 2005. It was such a fun trip, but on our last evening there we went to the Alpine Slide overlooking Mt. Rushmore. (In case you don't know, an Alpine Slide is one of those big slides that you ride a little cart down a mountain. You have to take a ski lift to get to it.) Well the whole way up the ski lift, Quayd was saying how he was going to ride down the slide with mom. We got to the top and looked around. There was lots of little tourist things to do. When we finally decided to go back down the mountain, we headed for the slide line. There were 2 lines. One said, "single and experienced riders only," and the other said, "double and less-experienced riders." We were all in the appropriate line. At the last minute, Quayd decided to ride with his Dad. He ran over, hoped on with Brett, I got on my cart on my side and off we went. I sped up and got ahead of them at the very top so I could take pictures. As they were catching up to me, I could hear Quayd crying. I was SO bugged! I thought to myself, "Here we are, doing something so fun, just for him and he is crying!" I was like, "Quit being a baby Quayd!" Seriously, I was MAD! Then with my camera.. Snap Snap...
Errrrrrrr!!! Big bawl baby!
Well, as they passed me, Brett yells at me to quit yelling at Quayd because he was hurt. Oh. Oops. They had wrecked on the first turn and Quayd got a NASTY burn on his hand. It was AWFUL! He still has a heinous scar from it. We ended up taking him to the doctor when we got home and they told us it was a pretty serious burn that will probably require plastic surgery someday. Since he is growing so fast right now, it would be hard, besides it will be very painful. Brett ended up with scars too. It was a pretty crazy wreck. So I guess that was a justified meltdown. The next morning, as we were headed out of town, we stopped at Mt. Rushmore. Quayd had a huge bandage on his hand. So sad! He also had bumps and bruises all over his body.
I don't know why I blogged that on an entry about Quayd's meltdowns. It really just makes me look like a bigger jerk, huh. Sorry Quayd. It was really so sad. He gets all emotional just talking about it, still to this day.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
Holy crap that last picture of him is so dang cute, I love those big eyes
Your about as sympathetic as me. Seriously. I want to take my family to Mt. Rushmore someday soon! That looks like it was a fun trip!
I noticed that scar on Quayd's hand when he was at my house the other day. I wondered what happened. Thanks for blogging about it. Poor Quayd. Nobody wants to get hurt on something that is supposed to be fun. Has he been down another Alpine slide?
I am so glad that I am not the only mother guilty of being irritated/mad at my child only to find out that, whoops, they had a REALLY valid reason to be crying. Poor Quayd!
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