A couple of reasons for the title...
The first one being that we gave him his annual summer haircut. If you have a boy, you will know what I am talking about when I say this, so there is no reason for you to continue reading. But to the mothers of only girls... (Janice, Aspen, Stephanie, Alison, Brooke, Marlie (not for long!) and anyone else who has not been blessed with the sweet spirit of a boy) read on. This part is for you so you will understand why we do this awful thing to our adorable boys! I know that when a boy has this haircut, it somehow takes some of the cuteness away from him. But as the mother of a boy, this style is the BEST! It is hard enough for me to just get Quayd to bathe/shower each day, so the thought of fighting an actual hair style?? NO WAY! Boys are just to "Go-Go-Go" when the weather is nice. Not to mention the fact that they change from clothing to swim suit 9 million times a day. Anyway, I did it. I buzzed my sons head.

Now, onto the next part of my post... Since Thursday afternoon, Quayd has taken 3 hard blows to the head. I don't know what is going on with him! Maybe his head is growing and his equilibrium is off or something. The first time was at KMart. He was messing around with Brett and fell face first, bonking his forehead on the hard floor. This happened the same day we buzzed him, so notice in the pictures the hair and the huge goose egg. He has a birthmark on his forehead that sorta looks like a little red "bonk," so don't look at that so much as the enormous bump on the opposite side.

The second head trauma was the very next day. Drake spent the night and the two were outside playing golf when Drake accidentally hit Quayd in the head with the club, just below the original injury. Not good pictures, I realize, but notice how swollen it is above his eye. Poor kid! OUCH!

I don't have a picture of the third head wound, but don't worry. It wasn't nearly as severe. We were playing at the park yesterday for a second and he was climbing a ladder to the slide. He hit his head right in the middle of the original sore. He cried like it was the end of the world, and I realized that even though it was a lesser injury, it probably hurt as bad or worse than the original, since he is already so bruised and swollen. Hopefully these things come in threes and he is finished hurting his head for awhile. It is so sad! The bruises are starting to be that ugly brown/green/yellow color, so it just looks so ugly. I feel so bad for him! I guess its all part of summer, and being a boy.
I love the buzz look... To bad you didn't have me do it like last year...:)hee hee
Am I awful for laughing at your poor son's wounds? I am so jealous that you can just shave his head and be done. I HATE-HATE-HATE doing my girls hair! That is my least favorite thing about 3 girls. And as much as I would love to let Kylie do her own hair, my pride won't let me let her out of the house with her "creative" hairstyles. Thanks for dropping my name in your blog...makes me feel so special!
Oh, the poor kid. I do like the haircut, though.
I can't wait to buzz our little boys head.. I think little boys are SO adorable with shaved heads.. It makes them look so tough and cute! Poor Quayd hopefully he grows out of the accident prone stage.. I sure didnt haha
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