Brett and I are not super duper lovey dovey kind of people. I like snuggling, holding hands and all of that stuff, but only in the privacy of our own home. We are TOTALLY not into PDA's (public display of affection). I much rather have a little note or something than flowers. I don't like all of the cheesy teddy bears and stuff either. I like to eat out sometimes, but I hate crowded places and I really hate waiting a long time. Brett would say ditto to all of the things I just said. So when it comes to Valentine's Day we just don't really get into it. We usually stay home and I cook a big, super fancy dinner for all three of us. I can't imagine taking Quayd to a sitter while Brett and I have fun without him. We always get him a little gift, but don't like to spend money on each other. (This year Quayd got the movie "Space Buddies," a new BIONICLE, and a huge Hershey's kiss.) Anyway, this Valentine's was going to be no different. We had some movies to watch and we were just gonna veg out. I had to work from 8-3. At three, my replacement was supposed to come. 3:00 came and went. 3:30... nothing.... 4:00, 4:30.... Nothing. I realized I was gonna be stuck there all night. I called Brett and told him and Quayd to come to the hotel, we would stay the night and hang out. I had to be to work again at 8:00 the next morning anyway. Quayd had been playing with Amelia and he wanted her to come too, so they loaded up all of their stuff and joined me at the hotel. We called Wingers, Brett picked it up and we ended up having a pretty good night, considering the circumstances. When I got off work, I was so tired! We had asphalt pie from Wingers that we put in the freezer, so we ate that, exchanged our gifts (I'll tell you about that in a second), took a shower and went to sleep. It was a nice, quiet evening at the hotel so that was nice. Brett and Quayd were able to come into the back, eat with me and hang out. And we only had a few interruptions. Not the way I had planned to spend Valentine's Day, but it was ok.
Now let me tell you about our gifts. A few weeks ago, my friend Alison posted on her blog about 6 word memoirs. It is basically summing up your life in 6 words. It is so much fun. These can be silly, sweet, sad, anything. Just stick to 6 words. Here is a little snippet from the book.
Legend has it that Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response? “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Starting in 2006, SMITH Magazine re-ignited the recountre by asking our readers for their own six-word memoirs. They sent in short life stories in droves, from the bittersweet (“Cursed with cancer, blessed with friends”) and poignant (“I still make coffee for two”) to the inspirational (“Business school? Bah! Pop music? Hurrah”) and hilarious (“I like big butts, can’t lie”).
Our newest book, Six-Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak, is a roller-coaster ride through the complexities of the human heart. It's just $10 — bring it instead of a bottle of wine to your next party.
Click here to read Alison's post. Also, you have to check out this website. SO COOL!
Anyway, Brett came home the other day and asked if I had read Alison's blog yet. I had not, so he told me all about it. He was so excited about it and insisted that we do this for each other this year. I was all for it. Brett doesn't like people to see his soft side. Of course, I have seen it. I promise it is there! But he has written me some beautiful letters before. He is VERY good with words. Before he had talked to me, he had already started writing his. The deal was that we had to write 10 for each other. These are the rules. At least one had to be funny, and at least one had to be serious. And because we are us.... at least one had to be dirty. ;D So on Saturday night, I got finished with work, and headed for the hotel room. I ended up getting adjoining rooms, so Quayd and Amelia were in one, us in the other. We got the kids all settled down for the night, then we shared our 6 word memoirs. We just took turns. Some of them were awesome, so I wanted to share. Don't worry. I will leave the dirty ones out!! I have to warn you though... Brett's are SO much better than mine. He was SO good at this. He is a man of few words. I, on the other hand... well, woman of MANY words, to say the least.
being mother to your son... extraordinary.
disliked, liked, married. fell in love.
baby boy. greatest blessing. toughest trial.
carried baby. gave you a gift.
big boobs. small brain. your wife.
I only have one true friend.
a promise to never ever leave.
measuring my love in light years.
only one kid. please stop asking.
days spent crying. can't parent alone.
new baby. death bed. true love.
days spent laughing, lifetime spent together.
best thing for me since me. (that is SO Brett!)
Aren't his so great! He rocks.
I love this idea. I think it is so much fun. It really makes you think about those defining moments in your life. I wanted to go search for this book for Brett, but I just didn't have time. This was such a good gift! I loved it. It meant more to me than any flowers, chocolate or a romantic evening alone. Our evening was spent just the way I would want it. Laying in bed, Quayd in the next room and us trying not to wake him because we were laughing so hard at some of the ones we had written. Then we made up a few more. So much fun! And that was our night. I was so tired from working a double, so I crashed.
It was one of the most memorable Valentine's Days EVER. Thank you Brett. Will you be mine? Forever?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 weeks ago
Oh you are so lucky that he is your FOREVER. I wish I could say mine was mine forever.
You guys must have gotten all of that PDA stuff out of your system in high school! You guys were all kinds of mooshy grossness!
You do have a great man there Mandy and he is very lucky to have you for a wife! You guys are just a perfect fit! I bet you dirty ones were fantastic!!!
I love it! It sounds like it was a great night. That last one of Brett's really is his life summed up in his words! We love you guys!
I really enjoyed this post. what a cool fun idea. it sounds to me like you had the perfect night.
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