My name is Mandy and I am addicted to rearranging furniture.
It's true. I get this sickness from my mother. She is just as bad as me. If I feel like I need to deep clean something, I just don't feel like it is really clean unless I move everything around. Sometimes just moving 1 or 2 pieces of furniture helps, but other times I have to tear up the whole room. The weekend was a good example of both. Let me explain...
Kandice, Janice, my Mom and me have decided to have a yard sale. (It is Saturday, May 3rd at Janice's house, by the way.) So I have been trying to deep clean and get stuff ready for the big sale. I have been going from room to room and organizing as I go. Friday was Quayd's room's turn for a cleaning. It was a total disaster! I got rid of so much stuff. But his room is pretty small so there aren't a lot of options for rearranging. But I did switch places with the dresser, big toy cabinet and his Lego table. Just being able to really get under everything and clean super good helps me feel like I have my life more together. I know, I know... It is all in my head. I am a freak, what can I say? (notice the Nim's Island poster.. Shae works at the movie theater and hooked Quayd up and he is so excited! She has also promised him the Horton Hears a Who poster.)
So today I decided to tackle the living room. I still had Easter decorations up. That is against everything I stand for, by the way. Well I knew I wouldn't be satisfied unless I moved EVERYTHING! Brett even helped me, and it was quite a project. Pianos are really heavy. But now I know that everything is nice and clean and smells like Pine-Sol. Yummy! It actually smells like Cucumber Lime right now because the Pine-Sol smell has started to fade and I just put new blocks in my Scentsy.
This is my little computer corner. It has everything I need. , my Ipod and Diet Pepsi.
Ok, well that is another glimpse into my world. And I am glad to say that today, my world is a little bit cleaner. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
Good Good Job. I am very proud of you. Me being a cleaning addict and all, it made me feel all fluttery inside seeing those nice neat organized I am so GAY!!!!and pathetic I might add-that I am so obsessed with cleaning. Anyways, good job!
Way to go. I so need to do that to my house, but I keep putting it off.
Oh my heck- No more being lazy, I have got to clean my house and get some things ready to sale at the yard sale.... UGH
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