I was tagged by Jamie and I thought this was a pretty cute tag. On days when I want to ring Brett's neck, I can look back at this and remember that I really do love him. :)
I do need to tell this little story, though.... When Brett and I started dating, I noticed that his Aunt Debbie called him "Bretty." I called him Bretty once and I thought he might just flip a gasket! He said, "Nobody, and I mean NOBODY calls me Bretty besides my Aunt Debbie!" I was like, "SORRY!!" Then a few years into our marriage, our dear sweet friend Heather (who was in Jr. High School at the time)started calling him Bretty and he let her get away with it becasue she is just to cute and sweet to argue with! But now I can get away with it occasionally. And like I said in my last post, he doesn't read my blog anyway, so he will never know!
And here is another little side note.. I have to admit my mistake. When I made my cute banner for this blog, I made a goof and put "est. 1997." That is not true. We were really est. 1998. I dont know what I was thinking, and I didn't notice it for a few days after I made it and posted it. And I didn't know how to edit it. OOPS! Don't tell Brett! Remember, he doesn't read this!
OK, now finally on to the tag....
How long have you been together? almost 12 years since we started dating; 9 1/2 years married. And through the whole thing.... we never broke up, split up, left the other one... Nothing. We have been an "item" since the summer of 1996
How long did you date? 2 years. (Probably would have been less, but I had to wait for him to graduate!)
How old is he? He will be 28 in less than 3 weeks!!!! (April 28th)
Who said ‘I love you’ first? I can't really remember, but I think it was me. I just asked Brett though, and he thinks it was him. I hate to admit it, but I was SO into him, and I was probably a little desperate... so I am sure it was me.
Who is taller? Brett
Who is smarter? SOOOOOOOOO Brett!!! I am an idiot, and he knows EVERYTHING!
Who does the laundry? of course, Me
Who does the dishes? of course, Me, again
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Bretty
Who pays the bills? Neither of us. Who would want to do something silly like that?
Who mows the lawn? My cute little Grandpa. (I know... it's pathetic and a little embarassing on my part, but he is a little OCD about it! I try to help him a little though.)
Who cooks dinner? Yours truly!
Who is more stubborn? Ummmm, have you met Brett? He is SO STINKING STUBBORN!
Who kissed who first? He put the move on me!!! But don't worry, I kissed right back!
Who asked who out? I don't know.... It was just kind of assumed that we were an item. We were 16 and 17. We were "going out."
Who proposed? Bretty
Who is more sensitive? ME! TOTALLY. I can count on one hand the number of times Brett has cried since we have been together. I can't count on 10 hands how many times I have cried this week!!!!
Ahhhhh, that was kinda fun. I guess I will tag.....
Brooke and
Emily C.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
So I know you "tagged" me, but I will respectfully decline only because near Valentine's Day I posted something similar and I don't want my thousands upon thousands of devoted readers to feel I am "recycling" my post material! :)
But...I do want to say it was so fun to read about your relationship. And actually, I had noticed the "1997" and this entire time had been trying to figure it out. I kept saying to myself, "I'm positive I went to their wedding in *98*, not 97!" I feel much better knowing I'm not going crazy now. Thanks for clarifying! Oh, and those toe pictures? NASTY!
Rock on- I am going to do this one- It is super cute
Oh, so sweet. You two are so cute. I love your wedding picture. Brett looks so young.
What an awesome Grandpa you have. That is so cute that he mows your lawn.
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