Wednesday, July 30, 2008

the one about Orange's new "do"

Our cat, Orange, is seriously the hairiest thing ever. He is so hairy that he cannot even bathe himself. He sheds like nothing I have ever seen before and I am so tired of cleaning up orange cat hair I could just scream! So today, I decided to do something about it. Orange went to the groomer.

It was the best $40.00 I have ever spent.

the one about our camp trailer

We go camping quite a bit and I realized that some of you probably don't even know what our trailer looks like, some of you probably didn't even know we had a trailer, and most of you probably don't really care! But I am going to post about it anyway. It is a pretty big part of who we are so now you can love it just as much as we do! ;)

First, let me tell you how our trailer came into our lives... When we were first married, Aunt Rhonda had an old hand-me-down trailer that we used for a couple of years. It was tiny! It didn't have a bathroom or anything, but it worked for us. We really only used it for sleeping and storing stuff. We camped in it several times and it was just fine for us. Oh! And it was free! Anyway, once we had Quayd, we wanted something a little more comfortable and we wanted to have a bathtub so we could bathe him. Grandma and Grandpa Lane had an old trailer that was PERFECT for us! And free! It had been sitting in storage for awhile so we had to do some major clean up. Brett worked hard to get everything running, but he did it. It still had a few minor problems, but we didn't care. It worked for us, and again, the price was right. Once we fixed that one up, Grandpa decided to start using it again. He took it on a couple of elk hunting trips. We just sorta shared it. It was great. Anyway, when he was coming home one time, he wrecked it. Like, really bad. He somehow crashed it into a big rock mountain or something. It was totaled. And most of the stuff inside was lost in the accident. (Don't be alarmed. Grandpa was fine. In fact, the whole thing was really funny and we continue to tease him about it today! I think that when he crashed it, he didn't realize how bad it was so he just kept on driving. After awhile he noticed things were flying out. Anyway, we never really got the whole story. If you know Grandpa Lane, you just have to shake your head and laugh about the whole thing.) So after that happened, we were pretty sad that we didn't have a trailer anymore and since we had exhausted all of our free options, we knew it was time to buy a new one. Two springs ago, Brett, Quayd and I took a trip to the big city in search of our dream trailer. (We wanted to include Quayd in the decision since he loves camping more than Brett and I put together!) We didn't want anything too big, or too fancy. We are not showy that way. We also didn't want something super heavy and hard to pull. We kind of knew what we wanted so we started looking at the trailers on the lot. We spent hours looking! We would walk in one, and walk back out, not impressed. We were so sad, because we wanted one so bad. We were just getting ready to give up when we saw one lone small trailer on the other side of the lot with the huge ones. We decided we had nothing to lose so we went into it. No joke, the second we walked in, we all three knew it was the one! Isn't that silly? It is a camp trailer! But it was perfect for us. We just loved it. It was a great price and we just knew it was the one. Anyway, we got all of the paperwork taken care of and it was ours! No joke, every time we go camping, Brett and I look around and we are so proud of our purchase

At a family camp out awhile back, I made this to hang on the wall. It hangs by the door.
Our trailer is just so US! It's small, but comfortable. It has everything we need and it is truly our second home.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

the one about feeling blue, reversed

So, I have been a little blue lately. I have just been feeling all alone. I know.... sounds corny. But I can't help it. Several events have triggered my case of the blues. One of them being the fact that my friend Janice moved clear across the country. It affected me a lot more than I imagined. I knew I would be sad... don't get me wrong, but the emotions I felt really took me by surprise. I cried for days and everything. We ended up being on vacation on the day they left, and I am really glad about that. We sorta said goodbye the Monday before they left, but I planned on seeing her again before I left for vacation on Tuesday. Well, I just couldn't. One goodbye was hard enough. So when I was almost to Salt Lake, I called her and told her I was gone. Then I cried some more. These pictures were taken a few weeks before she moved at a BBQ we had at Kandice's. Another thing I was a little sad about was that the week I got back from vacation, I couldn't find anyone. Kandice was at a family reunion, Holly visiting her family, Tara was busy and worn out after their many trips right in a row and Brett was gone a lot. So I just kinda felt alone and left out. I wanted to see the movie Mamma Mia SO bad, but I didn't have anyone to go with. I had invited a few people, but for different reasons, it just didn't work out. I was so sad about it, so on Saturday afternoon, I went by myself. The show was SO good! I loved it. I mean REALLY LOVED IT! I want to go again. I think Holly and I are going to go when she gets back. Janice went and saw it alone in Kentucky around the same time I went so we text each other and called when it was over. It was cool! I actually didn't mind going alone. I didn't have to share the arm rest, I pigged out on my own popcorn (which was So good that day!), and I even crunched my ice when my diet coke was gone, and I didn't feel guilty about it. Even though I enjoyed going alone, it is still funnere to go with friends. Anyway, I started feeling better. (Don't worry about me, its really no big deal. I was just kinda down. I don't need sympathy or anything.) I started to feel like I am back to my old self. The emotions have tamed a bit and I am much better. My friend Chauntue called and invited me over on Saturday morning and I had a great time with her and Joey. Thanks girls! Sorry I had to take off early. (dang kids!) My mom took me to lunch yesterday to help cheer me up, and it was nice. We even went to my favorite place! Canton City. Well, anyway... Kandice got back last weekend and invited Quayd and I over today for swimming, slip and slide and lunch. We had a ball!!! When I say swimming and slip and slide, that means me and Kandice too! We were so dumb, but it was a blast. We lined up with the kids and patiently waited our turn. Little Hallie, though, was a bit of a line cutter! I had to call her out on it a few times. ;) Kandice filled the pool with water from her kitchen sink and it was so warm, so we totally sat in it. It was NICE! At one point, she noticed a black head on my back and I invited her to search for more. You all know how we LOVE picking! It was funny. We had a great time. It was a well needed break too. I am so grateful that she invited us over. I think she knew I needed something fun to do. What a great friend. Anyway, here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure... Thanks Quayd for the pictures! Good job, buddy! Oh yah! And Kandice got on the trampoline for awhile and check out her sweet back flip! Again, thanks to all of you who have worked on cheering me up. I have such great friends and family. I love you all!

the one about my first award

I am so excited! Michele nominated me for a blog award and it is my very first. I am so touched.

Speech, you ask?

Well, ok. If you insist. First, I would like to thank UBTA-UBET for my "most of the time-fast" Internet. Also, I would like to thank my friend Ramanda for even introducing me to the blog world. Many thanks go out to you, my blogger friends; including Michele for the award. Thanks for thinking of me Michele! And last but certainly not least, I would like to thank all of you.... the little people..... for reading my blog and continuing to come back for more. I am often amazed at the response I get from my blog and for all of the people who tell me they read it. My life is OH SO BORING, but since becoming a blogger about 10 months ago, I have changed my whole outlook on life. I view things on a level of "blog importance." I have found myself taking more pictures than I used to and I am proud to share with you the life my husband and I have made. Blogging has made me more aware of the blessings I have, and also more aware of the little things in life. I have fallen in love with documenting my life and journaling.

Thanks again to Michele and everyone who has touched me in this life we call "BLOGGING!"

(that turned out a wee-bit more in depth than I had intended. sorry. I wanted my acceptance speech to be on the funny side and it wasn't. again... so sorry. Michele, please don't revoke my nomination! you gave it to me for "always making you laugh" but I have clearly turned sappy!)
Here are the rules that accompanying this award.
1. Post the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 7 other people for this award and add links to their blog.
4. Leave a message for the people that you nominated!

so, I nominate . . .
Tara G. for always updating and going to pro-blogger really quick
Shae because she is the coolest girl EVER!
Aspen for always putting parenthood into perspective and "telling it like it is!"
Jennie for having such adorable daughters and leaving such fun comments
Ramanda for introducing me to the blogger world
Cara for being the best new blogger ever!!!!!
Monica for having the most peculiar blog title (nine inch cankles)
Have fun and HAPPY BLOGGING!

Monday, July 28, 2008

the one about getting tagged by Shae

I have been wanting to post these pictures for quite some time, I just haven't gotten around to it. Well my sweet little Shae tagged me today and it made me think of her, so I started looking around for my wedding pictures. I know I have mentioned before that she was my flower girl... well check these babies out!!!
Malory, JoLynn, Me, Danette, Talia and Shae (I am so sorry girls for making you wear those awful dresses! What was I thinking???)

Me, Talia and Shae (aren't they so tiny and cute!!!!!!)

Is she cute or what??? Seriously, she was precious. She was just one of those little girls that you just had to stop and look at. She was BEAUTIFUL! And you know what??? She has only gotten more beautiful. I love this girl so much!!! Ok, now enough about her... lets talk about me! ;)

As I mentioned, I was tagged by her royal hotness, Shae.

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

I rode my 2nd grade boyfriend's motorcycle without my mom's permission one time and I totally wrecked and scratched up my face. I was so embarrassed, but even more scared to tell my mom what had happened. I am still a little bit scared of motorcycles, and had only been on one since this incident when Brett got his. (The other one was my neighbor, CalDee, when I was in high school.)

I wear glasses. But not like I should. I have lots of excuses why I don't, and some of them are: I forget.
I hate to have my eyelashes touch them.
I hate when they fog up.
I hate for them to be even the tiniest bit dirty. The specks make me crazy!
Sometimes I don't feel like they work with the "look" I am trying to pull off that day. (such as; glasses don't go with lunch lady clothes, so I never wear them to work. The fog is another factor here too though.)
If I am out in the sun a lot, I would rather wear cute sunglasses.
And apparently, I must like the headaches I get when I don't wear them.

I even have two pair of CUTE glasses. I chose two because of the whole matchy/outfit thing. Please don't try to suggest contacts. I have tried them and I can't do them. My eyes are super sensitive and I am allergic to the contact solution.

When I was in High School, Brett and I were obsessed with the movie "Billy Madison." So many of the things I still say today, are quotes from that movie. I am a little embarrassed to admit that.

I am left handed. Did you know that? I'm pretty proud of it too. LEFTYS RULE!

I love to Slip'n Slide!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really don't like to play games. I just can't get excited about them. Usually once I start playing though, I enjoy it. But I never come up with the idea to play games. I just don't love it. And that is any kind of game... video games, carnival games (especially), board games, card games, drinking games (he he he, funny, since I am not a drinker) or even sports. I don't do games.

The friends who I chose to tag are: Chauntue; Jennie; since I mentioned her dad, I have to tag Alison; Ramanda; Tara L.; and Vanessa.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

the one about Cara's blog

I have this crazy friend named Cara. We have known each other forever! Seriously... FOREVER! Well, out of the blue the other day, she called me. She told me she was a fan of my blog and was thinking about starting her own. I told her how to get it up and going and I helped her make it cute. She told me that her family was really into John Deere stuff, so I went with it. Go check it out, it is a good blog!

Cara's Blog

But the main reason I am posting this, is to thank her! I have been feeling a little down lately, and it felt so good to be needed! And to know that I have a fan out there!!! She brought me a sweet thank you gift and it really meant the world to me. Thanks Cara! You rock!!!!!

the one about The Host

I borrowed this book from my sister-in-law, Brynn a few weeks ago, but I haven't had the time to dive into it yet. Until Yesterday. Oh my gosh, I LOVE it! I could hardly pull myself away from it to blog about it.

I love Stephanie Meyer's books. She is awesome. I am always amazed at how her imagination works and comes up with these crazy ideas. I am really not big into science fiction and fantasy stuff, but she just has a way of putting it together and making it readable. Her characters are so likeable and you just get so wrapped up in their lives. I am excited for the next book in the Twilight series to come out in August. And I am even more excited for the movie!!!

The problem I have when I start a book, is that the only thing I can do is read! Everything else goes to crap. My house, my laundry, dinner... Really. I can't do anything else. But at the same time, is there anything better than diving into a great book? I don't think so.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

the one about being sad

No, no. Not me. I am not sad. Thanks for worrying about me though. The other day, I was on the computer and Quayd had been outside playing with his cousins. He and Brennen had a fight and Quayd came in the house and wanted to watch cartoons while laying on my bed. I got him all set up, then I came back out the the computer. I had been playing for a little bit when I heard a little pitter patter. I looked up and Quayd had sat this beside me. I replied with this. I took it in to him and talked to him and tried console him. He told me that he just needed his mom and some cuddle time.

So you wanna know what we did? We got us a treat and snuggled in my bed for a while. We watched his new favorite show, iCarly. It was great. Sometimes I need a little snuggle time with my boy just like he needs some snuggle time with his mommy. I am just so grateful that he still wants to have snuggle time with me.

I laughed so hard when he brought the magna doodle to me. My mom tells me all of the time that I used to write, "I am sad" on a piece of paper with a big frownie face and give it her. She still has some of the notes. I was surprised that Quayd came up with this on his own. We have never told him about how I used to do that or anything.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

the one about Jaws

Ok. This is such a funny story. I hope I can do it justice by typing it. I have to give you some background first though.

When my brother was born, he was the first grandchild. Somehow, he started calling my Grandma Ga. It stuck and we have all called her that forever. Still, to this day, we call her Ga. When Brayden was born, we taught him that she was Ga. I guess he couldn't get the "G" sound, so he called her Da. Now the younger kids call her Da.

I am babysitting my nephews today, and it was so hot outside. I suggested that we go swimming in their pool. They called their mom and she said it was fine. We were all having a swell time and I knew that Ga would like to come and watch them. Besides, it was such a nice day out, I thought she would enjoy some sunshine. I called her and she was so excited to come over. She said she would be right over. I was out of the pool laying out and they boys were swimming. I said to the boys, "Da is coming to watch you guys swim." Brayden and Quayd didn't really react, but Brennen quickly hoped out of the pool. I didn't really think much of it. He was acting really strange though, then he asked, "When?" I said, "In just a few minutes." It had been a few minutes and I think it was Brayden who said, "When is Da coming?" Then Brennen quickly asks, "Wait. Who is coming???" I said, "Da." He got the funniest grin on his face and said, "Oh. I thought you said JAWS!" Then he hopped back in the pool.

It was so funny. What a nut!


(this was actually taken when we went to the lake with these guys a few weeks ago)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the one about our Vacation Jars

Brett's parents always had this huge jar that they filled with change. Sometimes when they went on vacation, they would cash it all in. I am amazed at how much they really accumulated in their change jar. Quayd loves that change jar, by the way. Papa used to always give him quarters out of it and Quayd thought that was just the coolest thing. Anyway, over the last few months, we have been saving our change in a vacation jar and we cashed it in and took it to Lagoon. (Don't worry, the $60.00 we had in it went in the gas tank, as well as all of the other money we had saved!!!) So since we cashed all of that money in, it was time to start a new Vacation Jar. I actually made four smaller jars. One for my bedroom, one for the kitchen, one for Quayd's room and one by the washer and dryer. (I find lots of money there!) I have the jars sealed so we can't steal out of them. (Except when I REALLY need Wendy's money, right jme?) They all look alike, but I thought they turned out pretty cute. What do you think?
Quayd put the first money in! All of the change we had left over from our Lagoon trip, which was not very much!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

the one about our Lagoon trip

A few years ago, Brett and I decided to take Quayd on a vacation. I know I have talked about this before, sorry, but we went to South Dakota. It was great and wonderful and we still talk about it today. After that vacation, we decided we would take a family vacation every year. No matter what. Brett's family always traveled when he was growing up and they still talk about all of the fun things they have done. My family didn't travel much, but when we did, it was awesome. Quayd is such a good traveler, and Brett and I both love to travel, so we have made it a priority. We went pretty extravagant last year when we cruised the Caribbean. This year, we knew we needed to tone it down a bit, but we still wanted a special vacation where we could make lots of memories. We decided to combine our love of camping and amusement parks and spend a week at Lagoon! They have a really nice campground right next to the park. It has full hook-ups so we had unlimited water and power. And with temperatures being in the high 90's the whole week, we loved the electricity hook-up! We ran the air conditioner at full blast all week! My sweet little nephew, Brayden, joined us as well as Gary and Tara's family, Grandma and Grandpa Galley, Braden and Mya, Gleneita and Talia and the Montgomery's. It was actually supposed to be a two day Galley family reunion, but not many people were able to make it. Gary and Tara and Brett and I decided to make our trips longer. Not everyone was there as long as us. Most of them came on Friday and Saturday. We went Tuesday to Sunday. Anyway, onto the fun stuff! We left Tuesday morning and we were SO excited to get there. Pulling the trailer made it a long drive. We were the first ones to arrive. We set up camp and went straight to the park. For most of the big rides, you have to be 46" tall to ride. With his shoes on, Quayd is about 45 1/2" tall. Seriously, he is that close. Some of the ride attendants would let him ride, some wouldn't. The first few days that we were there, they were much more relaxed about it, but on Friday and Saturday, it was tough. He was getting so upset. I know, I know. The rule is 46". But how do I explain to a 5 year old that sometimes he can ride and sometimes he can't. He did get to ride Wicked once though, and he was so excited about it! He also rode the Colossus, the white roller coaster, Spider, the Bat, Tidal Wave, as well as every other kiddie or family ride. He was hard core! It was awesome. Brett and I both love to ride ANYTHING! So we refused to have a wimpy child. We decided that one day when we strike it rich, we will buy a big fat motor home or a private jet (depending on HOW rich we get) and just travel the world riding roller coasters. Wouldn't that be cool? It was crazy though, we had been on the Colossus 4 times in a row, and the 5th time the lady questioned his height. Stupid. But Talia got in her face and told her that he was fine and he could ride. Same thing happened with the white roller coaster. He actually got so mad at that lady! He ran to his dad and called the lady a terrible name. It's not very blog-friendly, so I won't type it. ;) They never would let him back on Wicked, and he was MAD! I am proud of him for being so brave though. He was so cool. I loved watching his face! It was cute though, he would be on these hard core crazy rides, then he would turn around and go to the kiddie rides and have a blast. Brett and I had to keep reminding ourselves that he is only five. Brayden was pretty nervous to ride some of the big rides, but he finally rode most of them. He never would go on the Rocket. On Thursday, Grandpa Galley came with us to ride rides. He is so stinking funny! He is just as crazy as all of the kids. He didn't even flinch to get on these big crazy rides. The very first one we took him to was Wicked.

Shae and Grandpa waiting in line for Wicked

We also took him to the Rocket. Brett rode with him the first time on the "Launch" side of the ride.

Tara and Grandpa on the Re-Entry

Brett, Braden S., Eli and Shae

We also went to the Lady Bug Bop and Dinosaur Drop. It was so funny! One time, Garrison was taking Mya on the Lady Bug Bop. Quayd decided to go at the last second. Mya was excited for Quayd to go, so they decided to ride together. Garrison didn't really know what to do, so he just sat down. They buckled him in and off they went. It was so funny to see Garrison riding this little kid ride all alone!

Speaking of big people on little rides... I have to tell you this story. Unfortunately, though, I don't have a picture. We had a camera tragedy right before this. Anyway, on Saturday night, Quayd was upset that they wouldn't let him on the big rides. So some of us were trying to be nice to him and offered to go on Puff the Little Fire Dragon. (It's just a mini-coaster.) The riders were Brett, Talia, Brayden and Shae. The ride attendant was making the seating assignments and it was just weird. Quayd and Brayden were going to go in the back, but he said Quayd needed an adult with him to sit in the back. So they were assuming that Shae was his mom I guess because the guy told Shae to sit with her kid in the back. Then they put Brayden alone. And here is where it gets really weird... they put Brett and Talia in a car together. They were crammed in this little tiny car! It was so funny! Well I was sitting on a bench with Gleneita, Gary, Tara and Amelia. When we noticed how they were seated, we were cracking up. Then Brett starts yelling, "Mommy!!! Look at us! We are on Puff!!!" Then he started cheering and screaming at everyone. "Look at me Aunt Tara! I'm riding Puff!" It was so funny. And strange. Lagoon has a new ride this year. The OdySea. It is a fun family type ride. The kids loved it. I rode it a few times with Quayd. But when he knew Grandpa was going, Quayd couldn't wait to ride with him.

(I am so glad I got this picture! Isn't it cute? I felt so bad that I didn't get a picture of these two on Father's Day. I got Quayd with his other Great-Grandpa's, but not Grandpa Galley.) We did a lot of waiting in line. I mean... ALOT! And holy cow... was it ever HOT!!

Brett, Brayden and Quayd waiting to get on the Bat.

Braden S., Shae, Garrison, Brayden, Amelia, Me and Grandpa waiting to get on the Spider

Waiting for the train to start

We went to Lagoon-A-Beach on Friday. Quayd was thinking he was Mr. Brave so he did the lazy river alone with out a life jacket. He was actually mad because they wouldn't let him sit in the hot tub. So he decided he was gonna show everyone and he hopped in the river. Thank goodness Garrison was there! He jumped in right behind Quayd and went with him a few times around. Thanks Garrison! You rock!

We rode a ton of other rides, practically every ride in the park. We did go carts and Brett, Talia and Gleneita did a drag racing thing. You have to pay extra for it and the three of them were super excited to do it. They have 3 drag racing cars, so they were able to race each other. They got three runs. It was actually pretty cool. Brett won once, and Talia won twice. I know this entry is getting really long, but I have to share just a few more pictures. We went to Pioneer Village and had pictures taken. We were able to buy the CD and have the copyright, so I will post a few poses. We ended up buying the one of Brett and Quayd, and the funny one of the family. The funny one was just so... US! We love it. Look at Brayden's funny hat. It has a face and evrything. I saw it and begged him to wear it because it was so funny. He is so awesome!

And here are the last few pictures.

It's always fun to go, but it sure is nice to be back home.