Oh my heck!
The funniest thing happened to me today while substituting Kindergarten. I taught Quayd's class, but this happened in the afternoon class. K. We were having snack and story time at the rug. One kid got in trouble at recess so he was having some time out with the other Kindergarten teacher. He staggered in my class after a little bit. He sat down at the back of the rug and I continued to read the story. I noticed he was playing with something so I asked him to put it away. He kept playing with it and I asked him again to put it away. I finally started to get annoyed and I stopped the story. I asked him what he was playing with. He said, "A balloon." I said, "PUT IT AWAY! We don't play with balloons at school." He put it up to his mouth like he was going to blow it up, so I stood up to take it away, and at that moment, I realized it wasn't really a balloon at all. It was a condom! I couldn't believe it! I knew I needed to take it away, but I was sorta scared to touch it. As calmly as I could, I said, "Where did you get this." He said, "Upstairs at my house." I tried to hold in my laughter, shock and disgust. I calmly took it away and put it on the teacher's desk. I finished the story and let them have some free time. I couldn't wait to tell someone about it!! I quickly ran to the other Kindergarten teacher and told her. Of course, she was laughing. For the record, it was clean and dry and I am certain he had no idea what he was playing with, but I sure did!!!!!
I just can't believe it. It was so funny, and strange. OH MY HECK!!!!! Does this stuff really happen!?!?!?!?!?!
By the way, still no ring.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
holy crap that is so funny. the funiest part is that i can see morgie doing that someday when she is in school. she is always finding our stash of FUN STUFF. Yicks.....
OMG! That is absolutely hilarious! I don't know that I would have been able to finish reading the story without laughing. And then... what do you do as a kindergarten teacher... do you tell the parents? haha! I would die! I can't imagine the stories teachers hear.
How do you protect yourself from...protection??? You should have sent a note home to Mom and Dad. "Dear Mrs. So-and-So, Please do not let little Johnny bring your toys to school. It is very distracting to the teachers."
HA! Thanks for the great laugh! It's the most calories I've burned in a long time.
lol. thats hilarious mandy. one for the substitute record books...
No way! I can't believe that happened to you. I can't believe you touched it. Yuck! So funny at least he didn't find it on the play ground.
I am still laughing. I can't believe that happened! That is one of those stories that if it happened to you... you would not admit that was your kid. On the other hand, probably the parents should know so they can find a better hiding spot for their "stuff" Who knows what other party favors may be in the stash. Yipes!!!
Hey Mandy,
That reminds me of an embarrassing date story (not mine, fortunately). The lady was on her first date after getting home from her mission. She was with an LDS guy. They stopped to get gas for her car and she grabbed a foil-wrapped chocolate by the register. When it rang up, she said, "$2.50 for a little piece of chocolate." Her date had to leave the store to get ahold of himself because he was laughing so hard, while the cashier explained what it really was... Later she married the guy.
I am sure I would die if I knew all the things my daughter told people about me.
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