I am just so sad tonight. I can't believe our beloved Prophet has passed away. Yes, I know, that is totally selfish of me. I am sad to think he is gone. But wow. What a reunion he must be having. I am getting goosebumps just thinking of it. I can't even imagine all of the people who are waiting to greet him tonight. Number one, his sweet wife. I bet he is so glad to see her. Major goosebumps. I bet my Father-in-Law is waiting in line too.
I remember when it was announced that we were getting a Temple in Vernal. A grounbreaking ceremony was held and I was actually seated close enough to see President Hinckley. I will never forget it. I have always been pretty good about journaling, and I am anxious to look that up. I know I scrapbooked lots of pictures and feelings I had about that day.
I have never met him, or touched him or anything, but I feel like I know him well. I feel like he knows me well too. He was such a great man. I am so sad about his passing, but also, so happy for him.
I have to share my experience when I first heard about President Hinckley's death. We had all taken a little nap late this afternoon. Quayd and I woke up around 6:30 pm and I decided I better get some dinner cooking. I finally had dinner ready around 7:30 and I had woken Brett up to come and eat. He had just got his soup and walked into the living room to eat. I have a tv in the kitchen and I was watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Quayd and I were in the kitchen as I was dishing his dinner and a Breaking News story came on. As the news reported the tragic news, I kind of shouted "NO!" then instantly put my hands over my mouth and started to cry. I was staring at the tv in disbelief. Quayd asked me what was going on, and at that time a picture of President Hinckley appeared on the screen. I told him that President Hinckley just died and Quayd looked at the picture and just exploded with emotion. He started crying and just clung to me. Then he ran in his room and threw himself on his LoveSack and cried and cried. It really made me realize how much this man has affected EVERYONE in our Church; people of all ages.
On Friday, I saw a quote by President Hinckley on Janice's blog about journaling. I LOVED it and stole it and put it on my blog. It has only been there a couple of days, but will stay there forever!
This is truly the reason I blog and journal. This quote sums it all up......
"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences. "
Gordon B. Hinckley
Love you, thanks for your tender words of love and thanks for sharing your feelings.
I had the same shocked reaction. I think one woman I heard on the radio put it well. She said something to the effect of: "I knew he was elderly and of course I knew he wouldn't live forever, but I think I just hadn't let myself imagine this world without him. So yes, when I heard the news of his death, it was surprising and painful to hear." I wrote more about it on my blog so I won't use up any more space on your comments, but it's neat to see everyone's personal devotion and support for the prophet show through their blog entries.
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