Oh my heck, this kid is such a nut!
This is a conversation we had just seconds ago....
Quayd: "Mom? Do we have any Daka shoes?"
Me: "What is that? A shoe? a brand? What?"
Quayd: "Oh, just forget about it."
Me: "No! Quayd, what is it? I just don't know what you are asking me."
Quayd: "I said, 'DO WE HAVE ANY DAKA SHOES?'"
(at this point I am laughing at his frustration with me. I know, I am terrible!)
Me: "Quayd, you are going to have to tell me what you are talking about."
Quayd: "Well, I have seen them on iCarly and Drake & Josh and I just wondered if they really exist."
Me: "I am sure they exist. Should we try to find out?"
Quayd: "Yes. Maybe you could Google it."
By the way, they do exist. As a result of my Google search, I found out that Daka is a shoe brand and somehow they worked it out that iCarly, Drake & Josh and Zoey 101 all advertised for them on their shows.
Ok, another funny conversation.... This was with his dad. Quayd's cat, Orange, has been so naughty lately. He really thinks he is cute since his new haircut and he has just gotten out of control! He picks on our other cat Skeet all of the time, he runs around crazy all night long, etc., etc. So the other night this is what happened.
Brett: "Quayd!!! Your cat is being horrible! If you don't take care of him, I am taking him to the pound!"
Quayd: "What's the pound? Is that the place you take your pet and leave them so someone else can come and get them?"
Brett: "Yes."
Quayd: "And they probably go there to get some respect."
ummmm, yah. Respect. That's what animals get at the pound!!
Ok, Anther conversation at his Well-Child check the other day... We had been at the grocery store, Jubilee, that morning and Quayd got a cramp in his foot. He had told me that he was glad we were going to the Dr. That day so maybe she could see what was going on with his foot. The cramp really only lasted about a minute and a half, but whatever. I actually think he was hoping she would x-ray it. So typical Quayd, at the appointment, he offered just a little TOO much information. After he had already told the doctor that his mom and dad spilled water on him in bed, he told her that he once had a sore on “ween,” (Yes, that is what he calls “it”) and that we went to the doctor and got some ween medicine. So if it ever bothers him, he just puts ween medicine on it and it feels much better. Then he brought up the foot thing. He told her that his foot had been hurting that morning and (actual words) “maybe you could take a look at it.” She felt around his foot and didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, so she asked, “Well, where was it hurting?” He said, “at Jubilee.”
Seriously. Where does he come up with this stuff?!?!?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
oh, my heck! What a funny kid. I was laughing so hard that Talmon had to come check on me and make sure I was breathing fine. SO SILLY!
oh I know the things they say it's good your writng it down so you don't forget
Oh that is too funny!! Were you so laughing at the doctors office, I don't think I could have contained myself.... I am so glad you posted that!!
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