First of all, it was my buddy Holly's birthday and Kandice and I took her to lunch. as we were driving by, we saw this on a local motel billboard. We had to stop for a photo!!

I have been working TONS! I only want to work a couple of days a week, but they are so short handed so I offered to pick up a few extra shifts... but holy crap!! I have worked EVERY DAY since I started. It is crazy. I can't work this much again. I feel like I never talk to or see anyone. And I miss my baby! I am off today, thank goodness. Then I work the rest of this week and weekend. And we will see what next week holds. I really like it though. I have had so much fun and I love the people I work with. And I totally love all of the guests I have met. Well, most of them anyway!
I am pretty excited today, because I woke up to find a mailbox in my front yard!!! Is it true? Could this really mean that our stupid road construction is coming to an end? I sure hope so. If nothing else, I sure hope I don't have to go to the post office to pick up mail anymore! Ours is the box in the middle. YIPPEE!

I have also been super excited about the Olympics. I totally get Olympic fever! We have it on in the lobby at work all day so I get to keep an eye on whats happening, plus I try to have it on at home as much as possible. I just love it all! I get so into it. I am so proud of and excited for Michael Phelps. I am an official PHELPS PHAN!

I guess that is all I really have to say. Nothing too exciting happening in our world. What's new with you?
I guess I missed the post about you getting a new job????????? so does that mean your not going to go back to the school lunch lady person job?
I need/want/have to have that Phelp Phan shirt.. Man he is so amazing I can't get enough of him, his body isn't bad either...;)
Hooray for a mailbox... and no more construction!!
i hear ya about nothing to blog about we must be in a slump, thanks again for tonight it was great
I tagged you with a fun tag... but if you don't want to do it, that is ok.
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