So now you know that I LOVE Big Brother, right? Well I have some information that will make all of you big fans wicked jealous of me! Ne ner ne ner!!!
Remember I told you yesterday that I have Showtime and I watch Big Brother After Dark?
And if you watched big Brother's live show last night you will know that they Head of Household competition wasn't over when the show was over.

Welllllllllllllllllll, here is my big news..... I know who won HOH, and you don't!!! It was down to the three pictured here and that is all I am going to say. If you really want to know, I will tell you, but I don't want to ruin it for all of you who want to wait CLEAR UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT to find out. he he he. I am really not that mean to ruin it for the 1 of you that reads my blog and watches Big Brother. (I got your back, Kim B.)
I will say this though... it ended with lots of crying, cheering and PUKE! Oh yah, I said puke. It was good stuff.

Sick, yes. But at least you have a way to wind down and relax so that you can be a good wife and mother!
.....no, I guess I don't really want to know who won even though I'm sure I was at the top of your list of people to tell! heehee. ;)
tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me! ;)
so I kindof want to know now
I want to know too- I love this dirty littlw rotten show, It is so the highlight of my Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
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