Happy Birthday to you....
Happy Birthday dear Brayden....
Happy Birthday to you!!!!
My sweet little nephew Brayden is 12 today. I can't believe it. He is such a special boy and I love him so much. I adore him, actually.
He is one of my best friends. Seriously.

Before he was born, I was the youngest in the family. I was 17 when he came along. I was SO EXCITED to have a nephew. But also a little nervous to give up my place as "baby of the family." It turned out that Brayden and I bonded wonderfully and instantly. We have been close since day one.
In honor of Brayden turning 12, I am going to make a top 12 list of the millions of things that I LOVE LOVE LOVE about him!!
#12. He is very creative, artistic and talented. Sometimes he will come over to my house and we will make cards or scrapbook for HOURS. We have the best talks and we have so much fun.
#11. He is very involved in 4-H. I am so proud of him and all of his accomplishments.
#10. He is so freaking funny!!! He is just a riot! I love talking to him because he always knows what to say to make me smile. He tells silly jokes all of the time, but he is usually laughing so hard while telling the joke that you never really get the whole thing. But you just laught because he is so funny laughing at himself. He has been known to pee his pants when he laughs too hard. He was funny like that when he was little too. He would get so mad at me sometimes for teasing him and stuff, so he wouldn't talk to me for awhile. But if I tried to get him to talk to me, he would turn up his nose and me and make this funny little "Hummm," sound. It was so cute! He also got mad at his cat one day when I was babysitting him at his house. She ran under the bed and Brayden didn't think I was nearby, and he called her a naughty name! It was too funny. He said, "Dumb b*&@% went under the bed." I just giggled at him.
#9. He is so handsome. The older he gets, the better looking her gets. And he was SUPER cute to start with!
#8. He is such a good cousin to Quayd. He looks out for him and makes sure all of the bigger kids are being nice to him.
#7. He loves to go to the movies with me. We don't really get to go super often, but he is always game whenever I am. And he likes chineese food like me.
#6. He also loves to go shopping. A few years ago when my mom had one of her many surguries, Brayden and I took her out to SLC. We dumped ma off and went to town! We had so much fun.
#5. He tells it how it is. If you want to know, just ask Brayden.
#4. He doesn't care what others think of him, and I really admire that. I wish I could be more like that.
#3. A few months ago, Brayden, Quayd and I were going to dinner and a movie. While we were at dinner, Brayden opened up and told me all about his "love life." Of course, I would never broadcast that information, but I was so touched that he would talk to me about it. I love that he trusts me and tells me that stuff. Sometimes he will come over after school and tell me all about his day and all about his friends. It seriously means the world to me. I hope he will always feel like he can come to me with that stuff.

#2. He is a cuddlebug. He will STILL come and hug me all of the time, in public or private. He doesn't care who is around. And if we are watching t.v. or something, he will still snuggle me on the couch. It is so cool. He isn't worried that he will be to big of a dork if he still snuggles his dorky aunt Mandy. And he is very sensitive. He doesn't want to hurt people or see anyone mad. He was that way when he was tiny too. He would say in his cute sweet little voice, "Don't holl-a (holler) at me." It was so cute, and Brett and I say that to each other all the time and it makes us think of our sweet little Brayden.
and the #1 reason that I love Brayden, is that he loves me too! We always have fun together, and although there is no way he could ever love me as much as I love him, he still loves me and that is good enough for me.
K...I'm just catching up on blogs and OH MY HELL....that picture of you and wrestling is HILARIOUS! I applaud you for even posting it...but stuff like that is just too rich and yummy to pass up! SOOO funny!
Oh yea...and congrats on your job move...I'd say career but we all know Quady boy is your career! I'm glad you aren't as stressed! Stress sucks. (I should make a bumber sticker!)
You are such a great aunt. I hope Brayden knows how lucky he is. And I hope he had a great birthday.
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