Quayd had a Grandparents program at school the other day. Holy crap, it was so cute! His school teacher does the cutest stuff! They recited several poems and each child had a chance to tell why they think their Grandparents are special. Quayd said, "My Grandparents are special because they make me ice cream cones." My grandparents are so cute to make him an ice cream cone any time he wants one. Last summer, he got so used to going over there every afternoon. He would look at the clock around 3:00 or 4:00 and say, "It's ice cream time! Pop is probably waiting for me." And off he would go. It was so cute. And I love it that when his teacher told him to think of why his Grandparents are special, that is what he thought of. One of the poems they recited was about how Grandpa snores." Quayd said it was all about pop, because he snores when he takes a nap in his chair.

My mom and Gleneita also came. It meant so much to me to have them all there. Quayd is so lucky to have such awesome grandparents.

Each person had the opportunity to write Quayd a letter and his teacher put it in his portfolio. we won't get that until the end of the year, so I am not sure what all of the letters said, but I am super excited to read them. What a treasure for Quayd! (and me!)
Cute stuff about the granparents program...but that is not the blog that I want to discuss. I just came across "the one about boils". Seriously, how did I miss that one?Holy hell Mandy! You leave absolutely nothing to the imagination!(or should I say BRETT doesn't leave anything to the imagination!) So a few questions... Where did you get your headlight thingy? I so gotta get me one of those! AND...what is your home treatment for boils cause my hubby has some doozies and I am sick of putting my face down there so that I can pop the same one over and over and over again! Share your secrets dang it!
You are so good at keeping your blog up-to-date. I love to read other's blogs, but don't take the time to do mine. Anyway, I have a totally random question to ask you. Please don't think I am a dork. Is Quayd's picture on display at Kiddie Kandids?
That is great that he had so many visitors with him that day. Very special picture
What a fun memory. Who is Quayd's teacher?
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